Centre for Intellectual History : All Pages
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- Writing for the Academy: The Rhetoric of Rousseau’s First Discourse, 1750
- Dr Sophie Smith
- Dr Sophie Nicholls
- Professor David Leopold
- Professor Michael Broers
- Dr Joshua Bennett
- Dr Philippa Byrne
- Dr Tomasz Gromelski
- Professor Teresa Bejan
- Professor Patricia Owens
- Professor Martin Kemp
- Professor John Robertson
- Dr Andrew Dunning
- Professor Ritchie Robertson
- Scholarly Melancholy in the German Enlightenment, 1760-1800
- Professor Joanna Weinberg
- Professor Nicholas Cronk
- Dr Michael Drolet
- On Leibniz’s Description of Hobbes as ‘plusquam nominalis’, 1670–1677
- Professor Joanna Innes
- Professor Michael Bentley
- Professor Ian Maclean
- Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh
- The Futures of Intellectual History
- The Idea of ‘Climate’ in Intellectual History, 1688–1767
- Intellectual History and the History of Sexuality
- The Conditions of Intellectual Work
- Theories of Race and Empire
- Professor Blair Worden
- Professor Paulina Kewes
- The History of Pre-Modern Knowledge: Oxford and Beyond
- Dr William Ghosh
- Milton, Literary Studies, and Intellectual History
- Dr William Poole
- Professor Tim Rood
- Enlightenment Studies at Oxford: Intellectual History Across the Disciplines
- Do Ideas Matter? Intellectual History and the History of Public Policy
- Jacob Chatterjee
- Defining the History of Political Thought: An Early Modernist’s View
- The Cultural History of Ideas
- Open Frontiers: The Future of Intellectual History/The History of Ideas in 2021
- Intellectual History and the “Decline of Magic”
- Dr Mogens Lærke
- Intellectual History at the End of the World?
- Christopher Hill: A Historian of Ideas?
- ‘Whence came this law of nations?’ Emer de Vattel in the Confines of Brazil, 1835–1845
- The State and Intellectual History: The Hartlib Circle and the Forgotten Reform of English Education, 1649–53
- Saint-Simon’s Technocratic Internationalism, 1802–1825
- The Venture of the Islamicate: The History of a Key Concept in Islamic Intellectual History
- Gottfried Leibniz as a Projector in a World of Projectors in the 1670s
- Test People
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- Research Projects
- Recovering Europe's Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700
- Recovering Europe’s Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700
- Parliamentary Humanism: The History of Parliaments as The History of Ideas
- Parliaments as Meeting Places for Political Concepts
- Dr Timothy Michael
- Interview: Faridah Zaman
- Representation without a Parliament: How Latin America’s Colonial Cities Thrived without Cortes
- The Estates General and the King of France: The Imperfect Union
- A Natural Match: Iberian Parliamentary Cultures and Republicans of Letters
- Power over the most Powerful: The Paradox of Parliamentarism
- Les États généraux et le roi de France : l’union imparfaite
- Rhetoric of Debate: A Parliamentary Innovation
- Informal Counsellors as Royal Agents in Early Modern Parliaments
- Re-imagining Democracy and the Parliamentary Cultures Project
- Sam Moyn (Yale): 1. Against the Enlightenment (Judith Shklar)
- Late Medieval Europe: Founding a Parliamentary Culture
- After the Levellers: On the Non-Mysterious Disappearance of Parliamentary Reform in England
- Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700: The State of Research
- The English Revolution and the History of Majority Rule
- The Proud Oxymorons of Venice’s Parliamentary Culture
- When is a Parliament not a Parliament? The Polish-Lithuanian Sejm and Parliamentary Culture
- Max Weber’s Influence on German Economic Thought in the Twentieth Century
- The Nature of the Self in Fifth-Century Gaul
- ‘Proximity’ and the Continuities in Parliamentary Representation
- Parliamentary Government, Whig History, and the Cambridge School
- Dealing with petitions in the English Parliament and the Dutch States General
- Exported Early Modern British Political Cultures
- Rituals of Consent or Procedures of Decision-Making? Assemblies of Estates in Early Modern Europe
- Parliamentary Culture and Library History in Britain
- Parliament and Parliaments from the Gaelic Perspective
- Parliamentary Culture and Public Credit: How Merchants Overcame Their Weak Position
- Intellectual History and the Problem of Incest
- Revolution, Republicanism, and the End of Empire: Latin America in Victorian Intellectual History
- A Conversation with Samuel Moyn: The Cold War and the Canon of Liberalism
- In Search of Zera Yacob: Philosophy in Early Modern Ethiopia
- Journeys to the Moon in Ancient Greece
- Learning to Worry about the Enlightenment in Korea, 1917
- Ukraine: Between West and Different Easts
- The Myth of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Political Realism
- Psychology and the Origins of Western Marxism
- Béatrice Longuenesse (New York): 'Conflicting Logics of the Mind'
- Eric Sheng
- John Hudson: Maitland, Common Law and Civil Law
- Colin Kidd: 'Peculiarities'
- The Common Notion: Science and Consensus in the Seventeenth Century
- Gibbon and the Islamic Orient
- The Cambridge School and the Turn to the Present
- Nathaniel Culverwell and the early English Reception of Descartes
- A conversation with Quinn Slobodian | Crack-Up Capitalism (Penguin, 2023)
- A Conversation with Michael Lamb | A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine's Political Thought (Princeton, 2022)
- Thomas Hobbes and the Rejection of 'Objective Being'
- An Aesthetic of Science in British Imperial Cartography of the Caribbean, c. 1700-1775
- In Conversation with Peter Ghosh
- Richard Bourke (Cambridge): ‘Hegel’s Enlightenment’
- Professor David Dwan
- The Renaissance 'Age of Conspiracies' Revisited: Intellectualising a Sixteenth-Century Coup D'état
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Visiting Fellowships
- Dr Joshua Freed
- Political Thought and the Welfare State: Jose Harris's History of Social Policy
- Paul Seaward: 1. Providence and Posterity
- Alec Ryrie (Durham): 1. Propagation
- The Reception of Confucianism in Early Modern Britain
- The End of Enlightenment: A Conversation with Richard Whatmore
- Jim Bennett and John Heilbron as Historians of Science and Intellectual Historians
- Dr Frances Reynolds
- Kenneth Novis
- J. G. A. Pocock (1924-2023)
- Matthew Leech-Gerrard
- Eli P. Bernstein
- Dr Jon Parkin
- Professor Sarah Mortimer
- Dr Brian Young
- Sir Noel Malcolm
- Dr Dmitri Levitin
- Professor Howard Hotson
- Professor Rob Iliffe
- Professor Ben Jackson
- Dr Alexandra Gajda
- Professor John-Paul A. Ghobrial
- Dr Matthew Grimley
- Professor David Priestland
- Professor Jane Garnett
- Dr Matthew Kempshall
- Professor Giuseppe Marcocci
- Dr Marc Mulholland
- Professor Sho Konishi
- Professor Avi Lifschitz
- Dr Philip Beeley
- Dr Nicholas Cole
- Professor Abigail Green
- Professor Ian McBride
- Alexander M. Aizenman
- Kit Barbour-Mercer
- Andrew Biedermann
- Robert Bork III
- Cameron Bowman
- William Bunce
- Jacob Chatterjee
- Federica Costantino
- James Cullis
- Meredith Cutrer
- Sara Elizabeth Green
- Leif Hammer
- Zobia Haq
- Chloë Ingersent
- Sheetal Jain
- Dr Catherine Jenkinson
- Bee Jones
- Dr Gwion Wyn Jones
- Kaoruko Kawashima
- Ziad Kiblawi
- Paula Larsson
- Dongsun Lee (Hannah)
- Dr Saman Tariq Malik
- Ailsa Maxwell
- Daniel McAteer
- James Drysdale Miller
- Ross Moncrieff
- Toma-Jin Morikawa-Fouquet
- Antonio Pattori
- Iffat Rashid
- Sana Shah
- Philip Smith
- Chui Joe Tham
- Thomas (Liang-Chung) Wang
- David Elliott
- Utsa Bose
- Benjamin Gladstone
- Raphael Endre Adès
- Ellen Hausner
- Hugo Lopes Williams
- Konradin Eigler
- Ming Kit Wong
- Dr Michelle Pfeffer
- Jose Maria Andres Porras
- Professor Caroline Warman
- Sophie West
- The Encyclopédie Nouvelle: The 19th Century’s Magnificent Achievement and Glorious Failure
- Centre for Intellectual History: Use of cookies on this website
- How 'Chinese' is Chinese Theology? The Case of Wu Yaozong
- Eduardo Posada-Carbó
- Daniel Fried
- William Winning
- Odes to the Early Royal Society
- Eduardo Benítez-Inglott y Ballesteros
- Ethics and Equality: The Remonstrant Vision of Church and Society
- Professor Martin Conway
- Perpetual Return: What a Fascist Reading of Dante Tells Us About Philology
- Democratic Identity in the Age of Revolutions: Central and Northern Europe 1780-1870
- What did it mean to be a democrat in the Age of Revolutions?
- Between Democracy and Liberalism: Ludwig Bamberger's Path
- Carl Rudolf Löwstedt: the first Swedish democrat?
- The Intellectual History of Unimplemented Protest Tactics
- Pauline Kleingeld (Groningen): 'Kant’s republicanism'
- Stefanie Stockhorst (Potsdam): 'Bit-making and artisanal Enlightenment: the codification of practical knowledge from the pictorial rhetoric of bit-books to riding manuals and encyclopaedic knowledge'
- Giora Sternberg (Oxford): 'Writing acts and the family in the 18th Century: the Courtin-Brisay affair'
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 1. Genealogies of law and lawgivers from Zaleucus to Hart
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 2. Functions of lawgivers from Solon to Fuller
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 3. The lawgiver's point of view in Plato and Aristotle
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 4. Written laws? Ethical education in Plutarch's Lycurgus and related debates
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 5. Moses and Greek lawgivers in Philo, Josephus and Rousseau
- Melissa Lane (Princeton): 6. Are we all legislators now? Athens to Nietzsche
- Looking for Kant: An Interrail Archive Trip
- Jacobins, Republicans, and Democracy in Mainz
- Presentism in Intellectual History
- Eurocentrism and Global Intellectual History
- Cécile Vidal (EHESS, Paris): 'Suicide and slavery in Enlightenment thought'
- Samuel Head
- Dr Faridah Zaman
- Oxford Centre for Intellectual History Graduate Conference 2024
- Intellectual History, Philosophy, and Literature
- Dr Esben Rasmussen
- Professor Bob Harris
- Professor Filippo de Vivo
- Dr Amanda Power
- Duanran Feng
- Call for Papers: How Sciences End
- Faisal Chaudhry (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth): 'Rereading Property in Law’s Rule: Between Representation and Reality in the Shifting Political Economy of the Company’s India'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'The Conservative Dilemma'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'Conservatism and Theodicy'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'Relational Conservatism'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'The Paradox of Conservative Justice'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'Conservatism and the Way Things Are'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): 'The Legitimacy of Expectations'
- Nuno Castel-Branco (Oxford): 'Mapping Animal Motion in the Time of Galileo'
- Malthe Conrad Bruun: A “Dangerous Democrat”
- Democracy or Popular Government? The Political Thought of Mihály Táncsics in the Vormärz
- Robert James Taylor
- Alan Strathern (Oxford): 'Global religious change and patterns of ruler conversion, 1450-1850'
- Eric Nelson (Harvard): Discussion of the Carlyle Lectures — For the Way Things Are: In Search of a Defensible Conservatism
- Professor Valentina Arena
- Odile Panetta (Oxford): 'Promoting the coercion of heretics in early modern Reformed Protestantism'
- Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (Berkeley) ‘A Rift in Time: Reinhart Koselleck's Search for a New Theory of History’
- Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin / Institute of Advanced Study): 'On the logic of autocracy and the plasticity of history: the case of Frederick William I, King of Prussia'
- Haoming Liu
- Carlo Ginzburg, 'On Mechanical Traces: Reflecting on Connoisseurship, Once Again'
- Oxford Centre for Intellectual History Graduate Conference 2025
- Natural Law and Christian Communities in Early Modern Europe